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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Building a Traffic Worthy Website

Building a website that will be considered a ‘traffic worthy site' is essential for your site's success. A traffic worthy site is developed for more than just the human, however. It also needs to be developed for the search engines along with their spiders and crawlers. That is why a sound web design is crucial for driving traffic to your site. So, what is involved in building a traffic worthy site you ask?

First of all, you must perform a thorough research into what constitutes your company's keywords.

SEO. Everywhere we turn anymore it seems we hear about search engine optimization (SEO for short). SEO consists of keyword optimization. SEO also is utilized by both search engines automatically and humans manually. Each time a visitor types in their word of choice into the search engine (known as search utilization), sites pop up containing that word. See the importance of knowing your keywords?

It is estimated that more than 86% of all human visitors arrive at websites via search engines. Recent statistics have shown that Google is the top pick search engine. Can you see how search engine optimization is of utmost important for your site's success?

A top ranking in the search engines can bring you highly targeted traffic. These particular visitors are essential for your success. You offer a certain product. Visitors are searching for that particular product and come across your site. You offer something they are seeking. Therefore, search engines are sending you pre-qualified customers.

Google indexed 8 billion pages. Google uses bots (also known as spiders and crawlers.) It's important for marketers to know how spiders crawl around your web page and site.

Search engine crawlers are your best visitor. Giving the crawler unlimited ability to move around your website and page is essential for your search engine ranking.

Your website must be spider (search engine) friendly if you want any traffic from the search engines. The search engine spider does not read your website the way humans do. The spider reads HTML (web page source code). If your site does not contain it, or uses it poorly, the spider will give up.

Furthermore, spiders love text content. They do not care about JavaScript at all. Sites containing a multitude of images and no ALT tags may not be indexed properly for the spiders. The site may be appealing to the eye, but the bot spiders do not care. They will lose interest in your site. So, when designing your site, you must convince your web developer of incorporating some structural design that promotes search engine friendliness.

A smart web developer will see what their site looks like to search engines. A Lynx viewer (text mode web browser) is great for this. This viewer also make one's site friendly for the vision impaired who regularly search the net. Yes, there are millions doing this.

Designing your website for your human visitors should be first priority. A balancing act between human and search engine visitors is a tricky one, but needs to be accomplished.

Practice good SEO, but not at the expense of your visitors' viewing experience.

It's also important to note that web browser standards are not yet fully integrated. For instance, a site that looks good in Window's Internet Explorer may not look good in the Mozilla based Firefox or Netscape. Developers must be knowledgeable about cross browser design for their website's success. Plus, with the multitude of hand held devices provide another issue. These hand held devices display information differently and developers must be conversant in W3C formatting. Google-backed Firefox is quickly eating up Window's Internet Explorer browsing turf. Developers must keep abreast of these changes.

Never use a word processor to design your website. Word processing software is notorious for containing a variety of hidden messy codes which are not search engine friendly.

Search engine 'bots' are your most important visitors. You must accommodate and entice them. By properly designing your website, you will gain respect with them. This respect, in turn, increases both your targeted visitors and sales.

The subject of bringing traffic to your website is immense. This article touches upon only a few of the ways you can succeed in this area. You can only benefit by knowing how to build a traffic-driven website.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A SEO Company is a Catalyst to Top Search Engine Rankings

The problem with knowledge is that it comes in installments. First, people learnt the enormous benefits that a website could create for them. The trend for getting a website created for their business started at a slow pace in the initial. Soon it picked pace and the World Wide Web was brimming with websites; such that websites had to fight for a space on the internet. But websites were not merely for getting a space on the net; it had a much important task at hand - that of getting a share of the attention span of the ultimate user, i.e. the people.

Then the knowledge of search engine optimization or SEO trickled in. SEO is the optimization of a webpage or a web site so that it is able to secure prominent rankings in search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a continuous process, which will involve updating HTML code and selecting targeted keyword phrases relevant to the character of a site, and ascertaining that the site is quick to respond when the optimized keywords are searched for on search engines by the ultimate users. A SEO company or SEO consulting organization has a sound understanding of SEO techniques and will thus be a good partner to be with in the journey on the web.

Impetus Technologies is a SEO company, which has helped many organizations create a powerful web presence. The expert SEO specialists start by carefully studying the website and its nature of products and services, i.e. decide the theme of the website. Keywords are emphasized upon to steer website towards the desired search engine rankings. This research is undertaken on the basis of competition of keywords, through advanced keyword tools such as Wordtracker and Overture.

At a SEO company, search engine optimisation basically entails making pages readable to search engines and accenting on keywords and phrases that is relevant to the web site. As the needs of the website grow, more advanced techniques start being used. It is at this juncture that a SEO company with the faculties of superior analysis and investigation into every facet of site structure, site code, page design, and off-the-page criteria will be needed. Impetus Technologies is there to help on all stages.

Impetus Technologies, as a SEO company has been offering its SEO services from India, the hub of all outsourced business all over the world. An impressive list of satisfied clients is a yardstick of our expertise in this field. Get hold of a SEO solution now to take your website to the heights of success.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Linkbaiting. How hard is it?

Linkbaiting is a big topic for discussion lately. Everyone wants and needs links. We can ask for links, buy links or create articles and submit them for one way links. Linkbaiting is about getting links without doing any of these. Linkbaiting is essentially baiting people in by creating something they want to link to. So, what could we use to bait people into linking to you?

Podcasting: Creating a podcast that discusses news, tips or information on your industry is great baiting tool. Making your podcast unique and consistent is the key to steady stream of new links.

Interviews: These are great. If you could interview someone well known in your industry, that would certainly be worth linking to. For an added boost, do the interview on your podcast and then transcribe it.

Awards: Awards are another way to bring in traffic, though you can't (or at least shouldn't) simply make up an award. It has to have criteria, high standards and most importantly, meaning. If you give awards to everyone who applies, your award will seem insignificant and unimportant. The upside is you can gain a lot of traffic and one way links from award winners.

Tools and games: These will always be popular. Create a new tool for your industry that is legitimately helpful or develop a game related to your industry that is either informative or amusing. Firefox or wordpress plugins will bring steady traffic for a long time.

Content: Content is the easiest of all to create. Articles and blog posts are a great way to go about linkbaiting. You need to use your imagination to make your post compelling. Keeping on top of news and current affairs will help you pick a topic that people are already interested in. There is nothing wrong with piggy backing on some top stories if it relates to what you do.

Video: The is becoming one of the fastest forms of link baiting, in my opinion. Creating a funny or informative video can create quiet a buzz.

Giveaways and contests: These are great for a quick boost in traffic. However, these are also short lived. Giveaways need to have an associated monetary value. Contests, unless they are monthly, will die along with the links after the contest is over.

Blogs and forums: These are usually overlooked as a form of linking baiting, but they are one of the earliest forms of link baiting. Nothing says "link to me" more than a forum or a blog. Proving they have something of interest for the readers.

Guest appearances: This is one I like to use. I like to exchange writings, interviews or ideas with other bloggers and podcasters. Let me post a post on your blog and you can post on mine for a cross promotion. It's a great way to get a link as well. If you have a podcast, exchange advertisements with other casts along with a link on your podcast page.

Lists: List are very popular. Why? Well, because they are a list of something of value that people want, all in one place. I have a list of over 200 article submission sites to submit articles to, directories that you can submit your podcast to for free and free directories to get your site listed on. These are always my most often viewed posts.

Where to set your bait: Press releases and social networks are the best places to cast your line. Make an enticing headline and real in some hefty traffic.

If you try once a week to do some form of linkbaiting, by at least writing a topical post or putting together a lengthy list that readers will find useful, you will see a steady increase of traffic and hopefully links.

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